Rochelle Rindels Trains CNAs to Become MVPs

“Since its inception in May of 2020, we’ve enrolled more than 600 students into the Good Samaritan Society CNA Training Program with a 91% success rate for students that sit for the certification exam,” said Rindels.

“Students receive training in our locations while they are working for us and earning a paycheck. They are trained in person by preceptors and nursing team members who are also their coworkers. The students also get to know the residents who they will continue serving after they graduate and pass certification,” said Rindels.

“Students receive training in our locations while they are working for us and earning a paycheck. They are trained in person by preceptors and nursing team members who are also their coworkers. The students also get to know the residents who they will continue serving after they graduate and pass certification,” said Rindels.

Read more from the Daily Nurse

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