'Faith in the Field' shares devotions from variety of voices

Moyne Johnson is celebrating nine years as a long-term care resident at Good Samaritan Society – Loveland Village in Colorado. She’s proud of her home and community.

“I have been told by many that when they walk into Good Samaritan, here in Loveland Village, that they feel God’s love. That they can feel it when they walk in the building, that we’re different. That we have something to offer that other facilities do not offer,” Moyne says.

The 88-year-old is talking about the focus on faith at the Society. Moyne has a passion for the Bible and taking part in the location’s Christian religious services and devotions.

“I enjoy being a part of reading scripture. I think that God’s word is really important and it means a lot to me,” Moyne says.

'Neat, new challenge'

Recently, Moyne got to do just that for a national audience. Moyne and Loveland Chaplain Phil McGarvey co-hosted a new weekly, digital series called “Faith in the Field.”

“It was really a neat, new challenge,” Phil says.

The Wednesday morning devotion is kicked off by Director of Mission Integration and Senior Pastor Christy Hallenbeck Ask at the Society’s national campus in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Christy quickly passes the baton to someone out in the “field” and their stories are broadcast live on YouTube for Society staff, residents and the public to see.

“It was really wonderful to involve Moyne Johnson, one of our residents, and also to film it here in the spiritual life center here. We’re very proud of this center,” Phil says.

Highlighting the work being done across the country to share the love of Christ through health, healing and comfort is the mission of “Faith in the Field.” The series has been underway since just after Easter.

“Getting into our buildings and seeing what happens, how people laugh and sing and cry together, those are all stories of faith. It’s fun to hear those stories from different vantage points,” Christy says.

'Great to hear from different voices'

Leaders at Society locations say a little about their local community and then share a short devotion. Hosts have been chaplains and administrators from all over the United States.

“Certainly the work of God is done by all leaders in the Good Samaritan Society. So, it’s great to hear from different voices,” Christy says.

Viewers can catch the broadcast at 10 a.m. Central or pull up a recording later at their convenience.

“Faith is at the core of what we do. It’s at the core of our 99-year tradition. One thing that’s so exciting about this is it’s a new way to witness the Holy Spirit at work through technology,” Christy says.

'What makes us, us'

Correne Adams is the administrator at Good Samaritan Society – Beatrice in Nebraska. She jumped at the chance to connect with others through “Faith in the Field.” Correne’s devotion touched on people’s connection to God.

 “I think sometimes I take for granted what I do and the spiritual part of our atmosphere because not every place has that. I’m very grateful that we do,” Correne says. Shepherding staff members and residents at Beatrice, Correne relies heavily on spiritual support.

She says it makes a difference in people’s lives, “that we can start meetings with prayer, that we have devotions, that residents can really feel that their spiritual needs are being met as well as staff.”

She says it’s what sets the Society apart from other senior living communities.

“I think it is what makes us, us,” Correne says.

Faith increasingly important for older adults

Phil hopes the digital series continues to grow. He’ll be watching each week.

“It’s wonderful to be able to see the various chaplains, the various administrators present their various things going on, on their campuses, so that we can effectively pray for each other and be supportive of each other,” Phil says.

He adds the need for spiritual enrichment among Society residents is huge.

“As people grow older, their faith becomes even more important to them,” Phil says. “I think it makes the Good Samaritan Society stand out and be an example of both modeling good care of people, good care of each other."

No matter where the Society is, the mission is the same.

“It’s just like being a part of the body of Christ. We’re able to each function differently and yet we are a part of the whole being. I think it’s wonderful,” Moyne says.

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