Generosity turns eye sore into place of serenity

Generosity turns eye sore into place of serenity
“The ‘special sauce’ for this project has been and will continue to be the generosity of so many people,” says Frank Horvath, donor engagement director and project manager for the Good Samaritan.
“The ‘special sauce’ for this project has been and will continue to be the generosity of so many people,” says Frank Horvath, donor engagement director and project manager for the Good Samaritan.

Good Samaritan – Fairfield Glade has a new park thanks to the generous people of Crossville, Tennessee. The park sits on land that was once filled with equipment, supplies and excess dirt from a two-phase building project.

It was an eye sore. The Society could have landscaped the area, but a greater vision emerged that combined beauty and well-being. Its name: Serenity Park. 

At first, the vision for the park included a quarter-mile walking path, large grassy areas and gardens, a gazebo with a fireplace and grills, a memorial area and even a restroom along the path. The challenge was how to pay for this vision on the heels of two building projects.

That’s where generous donors, master gardeners and talented volunteers entered the picture. As the Society shared the vision, resident and community supporters signed up to help.

Walter and Norma Hearn led the way by funding more than half of the total project cost. 

I love this place. I want people to feel joy and have a sense of well-being living here. And my wife, Norma, and I understand the value of staying as healthy as possible. Serenity Park will entice people to spend more time outdoors.”  – Walter Hearn, Serenity Park donor

Many others agreed and added their generous gifts. 

The work doesn’t stop once the Walter and Norma Hearn Family Serenity Park is dedicated. An open gazebo with benches will be added. Tennessee Tech art students are designing unique park art. Residents with special skills are building bird houses, benches and picnic tables. The master gardeners also have expanded ideas and plans.

“The ‘special sauce’ for this project has been and will continue to be the generosity of so many people,” says Frank Horvath, donor engagement director and project manager for the Good Samaritan. “We want everyone in the Crossville area to enjoy and take pride in this beautiful park. We are deeply grateful for the wonderful support of our community.”  

Your contribution helps the next phase

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