Gratitude drives daughter’s gift

Gratitude drives daughter’s gift

Wagner, S.D. – Residents of Good Samaritan locations in small towns can go months without seeing loved ones who live far away. The visitor restrictions designed to keep them safe during the COVID-19 pandemic prolong that separation. And while staff work hard to engage those in their care, it can still be lonely for residents.

Which is why a recent gift and letter to the Good Samaritan – Wagner is so touching. Wagner is a rural community in southeastern South Dakota (pop. 1,560). Paulette Ford sent three pages of gratitude to Whitney Podzimek, administrator, for the care her father receives there. Ford wrote:

“Just wanted to express how MUCH I appreciate the letters I have received from you, describing ALL that you all are doing to keep our loved ones, who are residents there, AND the entire staff as SAFE and as PROTECTED as possible!!! TRULY!!!”

The letters she references were sent to all family members regarding the steps the Society is taking to protect residents’ well-being.

“Just wanted to express how MUCH I appreciate the letters I have received from you, describing ALL that you all are doing to keep our loved ones, who are residents there, AND the entire staff as SAFE and as PROTECTED as possible!!! TRULY!!!” - Paulette Ford

‘Hidden, unsung heroes’

Ford lives in Mankato, Minn., a nearly four-and-half-hour drive away from Wagner. She keeps in touch with her father through phone calls and an email system that allows families to send messages to residents who don’t have a computer.

Her father’s experience opened Ford’s eyes to the “hidden, unsung heroes” of skilled care, something she is sure to let others know. Everything about his experience added up to inspire her gift — from daily care to small gestures, like staff turning on the speaker phone for her hearing-impaired father whenever she calls.

“I have felt these feelings of awareness and GRATITUDE for a long time,” she writes. “I felt the NEED to express GRATITUDE to each and every single one of you.”

You can join Ford in supporting the mission of the Good Samaritan in Wagner or in any location across the U.S. 100% of your gift will help the Society continue to deliver the highest levels of care to the residents and communities who count on us.

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