New mom and Society senior pastor gets COVID-19 vaccine

Christy Hallenbeck Ask is just a few months into her new job as Director of Mission Integration and Senior Pastor at the Good Samaritan Society.

The 36-year-old is also a new mom.

“I’ve been a mom for just under a year. It is the most profound experience of being connected to another human,” Pastor Christy says.

That “human” is her daughter Anja. In an effort to protect herself and her family during the pandemic, Pastor Christy is making the personal choice to get the COVID-19 vaccine.

“I am a nursing mom,” Pastor Christy says. “I talked to her pediatrician and he said that this was safe and that it would be safe for my daughter. I did my research and decided this was the right thing.”

Do your research

Medical professionals at the Society and Sanford Health are encouraging breastfeeding moms and pregnant women to get the safe and effective vaccines.

“Part of my call I believe is to do what I can to end this pandemic,” Pastor Christy says.

For moms who might be on the fence about the shot, she urges them to ask questions.

“I get it and yet I urge anyone who is uncertain to do their research. Talk to doctors, to medical experts about this decision. I think they’re going to hear that this is far less risky than getting COVID,” Pastor Christy says.

Feeling hopeful

Choosing to get the vaccine is bringing a lot of hope to Pastor Christy’s home. She’s excited about what it means for her future with her immediate family and the one she serves with at work.

“This is a historic moment for me and my own life. I think decades down the road, I will tell my daughter about this day. It’s also a huge milestone in the life of my calling with Good Sam and the whole world,” Pastor Christy says.

Months spent reaching staff members and residents spiritually on virtual devotions and meetings can now shift to more in-person gatherings thanks to a high number of vaccinations at the Society.

“This is how we end this pandemic. It’s a shot of hope for me and for my family, to think that my little bubble and world is getting just a bit safer, not even just a bit safer, a whole lot safer. I’m also getting to contribute to the hope of the whole world by seeing an end to this pandemic.

Hope is the word I hear over and over and over that is palpable in the experience of coming here. It’s an honor to be a part of it,” Pastor Christy says.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says COVID-19 vaccines can be offered to pregnant and breastfeeding women. It urges people to talk with their doctors about getting vaccinated.

Information in this article was accurate when it was posted. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, scientific understanding and guidelines may have changed since the original publication date. Read more about the COVID-19 vaccines.

The Good Samaritan Society requires masking in its locations. Anyone shown without a mask was either recorded prior to the masking requirement or recorded in a non-patient care area where social distancing and other safety protocols were followed.

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