‘Everyone wants to be the first to ride!’

‘Everyone wants to be the first to ride!’

Sister Bay, Wisc. – The anticipation built for almost a year.

So when the Good Samaritan – Scandia Village received their new bus, there was rejoicing – sort of.

“When our new bus finally came — nearly a year out from when the gifts came in — it arrived at a time when we can’t take group outings,” said Michele Notz, administrator. She is referring to restrictions put in place to protect the health and well-being of residents due to the COVID- 19 pandemic.

“But we can still celebrate,” said Notz. “It’s arrived!”

Virus puts the brakes on

 “Our donors have a strong connection with residents,” Notz said. “When the bus was out of commission or the air conditioning stopped working on a hot, humid day, they heard about it.”

Notz ordered the new bus once the fundraising goal was met. The delivery date was March or April.

Then a global pandemic hit.

“The manufacturing plants shut down due to COVID,” Notz said.

Notz remembers a long winter of hoping for good news to share, something that would lift residents’ spirits.

"We can still celebrate," Notz said. "It's arrived!"

On the road again

To understand their interest, it’s helpful to know how much the bus is used.

In a typical month, residents used it for grocery shopping, banking, and trips to the post office. It takes them to concerts in the park, theater productions, Christmas lights tours and picnics.

“Residents would sign up for these outings and there would be a full bus … with people waiting for cancellations!” Notz said.

“Imagine their joy when the bus finally arrived,” Notz said. “Now, everyone wants to be first to ride!”

You can support residents like those at Good Samaritan – Scandia Village or at any of the Society's 200-plus locations across the country when you make a gift online.

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