Tour the Kissimmee Village campus with longtime residents

Carol Kaschel has owned a home at Good Samaritan Society – Kissimmee Village in Florida for 37 years.

“You are called a snowbird," Carol jokes about her start here in 1983. She lived at the warm location during the winter months. "We were snowbirds for four years."

The 97-year-old moved to Kissimmee from New York with her husband, Edward, full-time after that.

“You do meet an awful lot of people,” Carol says.

Being social and staying safe in the gated senior living community are huge perks. The former nurse also appreciates the Society’s mission.

“Everyone is somebody,” Carol says.

Often navigating the 400-plus acre village on her golf cart, Carol finds plenty of people to wave at and sites to see. Over the years, she's been active in the campus church, on the tennis courts and at the community center. She also loves the food at the clubhouse nestled near the Society's golf course.

“Home sweet home,” Carol says.

Village library 'gives them purpose'

Myrna Putz is authoring her retirement here too.

“Really a great place to live. Can certainly find plenty to do. You don’t have to look very far,” Myrna says.

An avid reader, Myrna's doubling down on books by caring for the village library.

“They refer to it as the jewel of the village. We try to live up to that expectation,” Myrna says.

“It’s a welcoming place. One lady wrote, ‘You don’t have to whisper.’ I said that’s true."

The library’s volunteer director, Myrna stocks the shelves with things to read and staffs the building with other helpers.

“I have people tell me it gives them purpose to work at the library and I say that’s good. Gives you reason to get up in the morning,” Myrna says.

Reason to rise and cherish the community binding everyone together.

“When we do have to be out in the traffic for doctor appointments or whatever, I’m really thankful to drive back into the village,” Myrna says.

It's been home for Myrna and her husband Al Putz for 17 years.

“Another thing I really like is the convenience. My doctor, the bank, grocery store are right outside the gate,” Al says.

Staying active is in the cards

Shuffling from one activity to the other, Al is also staying active.

“What I like about playing bridge is I get to play with all these beautiful women,” Al says during an afternoon game at a neighbor's place.97-year-old Lillian "Lil" Bledsoe says the card group is stacked with good people.

“What you’re looking at honestly are some of the better bridge players in the village,” Lil says.

They play several times a week.

You can deal Al in for fitness opportunities at the community center too. The campus features an indoor and outdoor pool.

“A stretch class, balance class, aerobics class. I do that every day of the week,” Al says.

Planning ahead has each resident in a valuable position in life. Having lived at other senior communities, Al says it’s tough to beat what’s going on at the Society.

“We just liked this so much better,” Al says.

Lil points to her fellow residents and the staff here as to what makes the Society special.

“You’re asking me what I like best? The people," Lil says.

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