A reason to ‘smile’ while you holiday shop this year

A reason to ‘smile’ while you holiday shop this year

The holidays will look different in 2020. Experts agree that Americans will see fewer crowded shopping malls and more online shopping.

One thing that isn’t changing? Your ability to give back to Good Samaritan while you shop on Amazon.com.

Small benefits that add up for senior care

100% of all gifts – including AmazonSmile donations – go towards meeting the needs of seniors in the care of the Good Samaritan.

“Without donations like these, the Society wouldn’t be able to be there for residents when they need us most,” said Ali Langseth, executive director of the Good Samaritan Foundation. “If the last year has taught us anything, it’s that care has to continue and charitable gifts really help with that.

“Every gift helps. Every gift matters,” said Langseth.

How it works

AmazonSmile is a program that donates 0.5% of your eligible purchases on Amazon to a charity of your choice. Here’s what to do:

  • Go to smile.amazon.com/ch/45-0228055
  • Sign in with your Amazon credentials or create a new account.
  • Confirm the charity you support is “The Evangelical Lutheran Good Samaritan.”
  • Each time you shop, start at smile.amazon.com and your purchases will benefit the mission of the Society.

“This isn't intended to replace your regular giving,” said Langseth. “Still, AmazonSmile is a great way to take advantage of a service you are probably already using, and do some good in the process.”

Are you ready to “smile” for seniors? Go to smile.amazon.com to get started. When you shop, Amazon gives!

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