Questions for grandparents to ask their grandchildren

Questions for grandparents to ask their grandchildren

A meaningful relationship between grandparents and grandkids is a beautiful way to strengthen a family.

A key component of a strong bond is communication. When talking to your grandkids, you can help them express their emotions. If they are happy, sad, frustrated or amused, be open to listening to how they’re feeling. By doing this, you’ll build trust and show your grandchildren that they can come to you about anything.

Here are some questions to get a conversation started with your grandchildren:

  • What’s the funniest thing that happened today?
  • What’s your favorite part of the school day? Your least favorite part?
  • What’s the best present you’ve ever received?
  • What’s something that made you happy or sad today?
  • If you could have any superpower, what would it be? Why? What would you do?
  • If you could be any superhero, who would you want to be? Why?
  • What’s your favorite food? Your least favorite food?
  • What’s your favorite thing in your room?
  • What animals do you wish you could talk to? What do you think they’d say?
  • What did mom or dad do today that made you happy?
  • If you could do anything with us this weekend, what would you want to do?
  • What’s something you’re good at? Will you show me?
  • Do you have a favorite hobby?
  • Do you have a favorite book?

When discussing each question with your grandchildren, take an active listening approach. This means giving them your full attention by making eye contact to show them you are engaged.

Sharing stories from your own life and experiences will also help entertain your grandchildren. You can do this to pass on family history and values.

Openly sharing and listening can help you build stronger connections with your grandchildren – or any little ones you spend time with.

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