The Ultimate Gift

Nativity scene with the verse Luke 2:13

Are you one of those people who is always looking for the Ultimate Gift?

You know those gifts — the ones that your recipients open with wonder and delight. Smiles of joy light up their faces, and “oooohs” escape their lips. They look at you in amazement and say, “This is perfect! How did you know this is exactly what I wanted?”

Each Christmas, we are on the prowl for the Ultimate Gift. We search, we make lists, we shop till we drop. Sometimes, we are successful in finding that just-right gift. Sometimes, in frustration, we give up. Sometimes, we run out of time or patience. This is the time when gift cards are our friends.

God’s Ultimate Gift

In the flurry of all this shopping for the Ultimate Gift, we tend to lose sight of God’s Ultimate Gift to us — his one and only Son, sent to us to free us from our sins and bring us everlasting life. This gift is perfect and priceless.

It’s reassuring to know that God never gave up on us. He is our constant saving grace. This gift can never fully be repaid, but we can show our appreciation with prayers of thanks and good deeds done with joy and gratitude to our Father in heaven.

This Christmas, in the midst of the busyness, take a moment to remember God’s Ultimate Gift to you. May it fill you with wonder and delight.

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."– John 3:16 (NIV)

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