What about prayer?

What about prayer?

These days we schedule almost everything. There is a system or methodology for almost every aspect of our lives. 

Dental visits, school plays, sports activities and band concerts all have their designated time on your calendar. We know when and how we will attend these events. 

We also have productivity down to a science. There are books and blogs upon blogs written about increasing your productivity to maximize your work effort. 

But what about prayer?

There is a coordinated approach to just about everything else in our lives so why not prayer? 

Maybe it is because we don't always know how to incorporate prayer into our daily lives. 

Megan Vandyken, campus services assistant for the Good Samaritan Society, has adapted a concept for how to pray from the Rev. John Piper. 

It’s an acronym called FADES.

  • F — Free and formed
  • A — Alone and assembled
  • D — Desperate and delighted
  • E — Explosive and extended
  • S — Spontaneous and scheduled

Be devoted, constant and faithful in prayer. Use the FADES method, because without it, prayer FADES. 

Source: https://www.desiringgod.org/messages/be-devoted-to-prayer

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